Spring Term 2020



Monday 6th &
Tuesday 7th
Mark Roper

Novel: Pedro Paramo

By Julian Ruffo

Monday 13th &
Tuesday 14th
Mark Roper
Monday 20th &
Tuesday 21st
Mark Roper

A selection of poems on the themes of Heaven and Hell. With discussion of some mystical treatments of these realms.

Monday 27th &
Tuesday 28th
Mark Roper

Poems will be made available for the class.


Monday 3rd &
Tuesday 4th
Mark Roper
Monday 10th &
Tuesday 11th
Mark Roper
Tuesday 18th Anna O Sullivan &Hollie Kearns

Butler Gallery: A new chapter at Evans Home.

Monday 24th James Harpur

Oisin in Paradise: An introduction to W.B.Yates*s wanderings of Oisin.


Tuesday 3rd Sharon Carty

“Orfeo ed Euridice, Reform Opera and the Suitcase Aria”

Tuesday 10th Ruth O Herlihy & Niall McCullagh

“Nature Meets Art through Architecture”

Tuesday 24th Sarah Maguire Hale

Heaven and Hell and Hogarth

Tuesday 31st John McKenna

Thanks for the Dance. Nine messages from the other side.

Leonard Cohen’s final album and its exploration of life and regret. (released by his son Adam)


Tuesday 7th Michael Doorley

European Imperialism

Monday 20th Pat Brereton

Media and Climate change

Monday 27th Una Agnew

“A button Hole In Heaven”

The mystical imagination of Patrick Kavanagh