Autumn Term 2024



Monday 16th September
Mark Roper

‘‘Fetched home at last: The Poetry of Charlotte Mew“
Monday 23rd September
Dr Angela Griffith

The Cuala Press and visualising ‘‘ Home“




Tuesday 1st October


James Harpur
‘‘St. Columcille and the Poetic Imagination“

7th & 8th October  

Dr James Heaney
Class 1: Introduction: Course Overview/Concepts of  Home
Class 2: Niall Williams, – Introduction (Artistic and Historical Contexts)

14th & 15th October


Dr James Heaney

Class 1:  Niall Williams, This is Happiness (1)
Class 2:  This is Happiness (11)

21st & 22nd October


Dr James Heaney
Class 1: This is Happiness (111)
Class 2:  This is Happiness(1V)

Tuesday 29th October


Dr James Heaney
Class 1: William Shakespeare – biography, artistic and historical contexts
Class 2:  The Tempest (1)

Halloween Bank Holiday


4th & 5th November  

Dr James Heaney
Class 1: The Tempest (11)
Class 2: The Tempest (111)

11th & 12th November


Dr James Heaney
Class 1: Shakespeare – The Tempest (1V)
Class 2: Anne Carson – biography, artistic and historical context

18th & 19th November


Dr James Heaney

Class 1: Wrong Norma – Anne Carson (1)
Class 2: Wrong Norma – Anne Carson (11)

25th & 26th November


Dr James Heaney

Class 1: Wrong Norma – Anne Carson (111)
Class 2: Javier Cercas (Anne McLean trans.) Soldiers of Salimas Bloomsbury 2003)


2nd & 3rd December


Dr James Heaney
Class 1: Javier Cercas,   Soldiers of Salimas
Class 2: Javier Cercas,  Soldiers of Salimas

9th & 10th December


Dr James Heaney
Class 1:  Javier Cercas,  Soldiers of Salimas
Class 2: Term Review

Christmas Break